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Renting by Owner: Estimated Income

How many bookings will I get each year?

Summer in the Algarve lasts from June to September, with peak tourist season in July and August, so many holiday home owners along the Algarve coast can safely estimate at least 12 full weeks of peak season bookings per year.

How much to charge per booking?

The following factors will have a direct impact on how much you will be able to charge:

Availability – Are there more beds available in your area than there are tourists? View the availability calendars of other private rental listings and take a look at hotel capacity figures to get a better idea. The more demand, the higher you can charge.

Target market - Identifying type of tourist that your property will appeal to is crucial. This will help you set appropriate rental rates, pinpoint potential busy periods, and create focused advertising that works.

Competition – Look up similar holiday rental listings in your area to compare prices before you set your own rental rates. Keep in mind that size, number of bedrooms, proximity to amenities and special/luxury features are just some of the factors that may allow you to charge more per night than your competition.

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